
Sunday, October 2, 2011

My last birthday with 1 big candle on birthday cake

Woah. What a long tittle again. haha~ Dunno why i feel like long tittle sounds more cool, more awesome, and more accurately, it suits my loso style. hahaha By the way, i don't have birthday cake for my birthday since N years ago cause i always tell other i don't like birthday cake (even to my mom LOL). Blah blah blah... I'm stating to talking about craps just because of a tittle. haha well, i just wanna tell you all:

Hmm.. I've waited this day since the day after my birthday(which is last year) and now when the day came, i feel like wanna reverse back some times. Probably is because my birthday, the first day of October also means that the NEARER stpm approaches to hunt me down. LOL (stpm is a scare monster.) Meanwhile, this also means that this is the last year my age is starts from number 1. Start from next year, i'll be 20 years old, a fully adult who didn't even get her own driving license (if my mom still insists that i have to get the license with my own money).  

 Today just celebrated my birthday with my friends. You know, I don't have much friends in Sibu, seriously i admit i have a bad social circle in sibu, probably is due to my prejudice or whatsoever. haha I went to san yan to meet rebecca and met her housemates. Then we had pizza in Pizza Hut, well of cause i don't even need to pay a single cent because i'm the birthday star. hahahaha (cheat foods cheat drinks) I wanna take some photos about the foods actually, but i don't really dare to take out my 2 mega pixels lousy phone and snap photos like hell i never eat those stuffs before in front her housemates. haha maybe i should go google the pictures and put it here (it's too over LOL)

After that i went to school to find my other group of friends(walao sound like i'm a jerk who categorize friends in groups.), siew jing, siew hie, leh mui. At first i thought only three of them in school, but then actually still got irene toh and pei ing. Thanks you all for the birthday song! Actually i do like people sing birthday song for me, but i'm kinda shy to ask people sing to me. Cause when they're singing birthday songs, they're looking at me! Oh gosh, i'm kinda scare being stared. I'm shy! hahaha! Then i've received my very first present from them! Oh this one i have photos. XD

Thanks leh mui for the Angry Bird key chain! The other one i will give to siew hie when her birthday hahaha 

Thanks siew jing and siew hie for the book! Thank you guys got my hint and really bought it for me!(well, it's not a hint anyway, it's me asked them buy it for me! hahaha)   I just finished read the book! awwww~~~~ XDDD

At here, I would like to thanks to my mom had give birth to a brat name Pauline Wong Li Ya who always creating troubles, waste her money made her angry bla bla still got lots of bad things. Sorry! Mother always is the best ppl in the world(sometime it's not Orz), but father always be the most useless ppl in world. No matter from news from tv even from my own family. Don't want to mention about it anymore. 

So that's it. Nothing special haha

Saturday, September 24, 2011


发这章不是为了泄恨,而是为了将这件事情完全的放下。不要多想,以看故事那样的看过吧~ 如果你觉得我说的全是鸟话,我也无话可说。因为我知道我才没有无聊到在自己记录人生的部落格里说鸟话。

她的性格,真的很糟糕。(不好意思脑子里就是冒出这句话 Orz) 其实我看得出她是个自我意识过剩的人。 =.= 讲她一句她回你几百句,说是debate team的叻。那就算了,我也不想跟这样的人多说话。不过说到不想说话,我是真的不想跟她说话。我知道我这个烂人的各种表现都很明显(我很想改 Orz|||),我也觉得这样忽略她我真的是太坏了。那为什么还要忽略她呢?那这个问题你是不懂我的答案了,你可不知道跟她说话那种TMD感觉。往事不堪回首,我也不解释了。感觉真的很烂!我还有一段时间为了她心情郁闷得要死。现在想起来我内心仍然郁闷啊他妈的。*捶胸口*

我不懂为什么,每当她跟我说讨厌谁谁谁的时候,我就很想告诉她其实你跟他们没差。炫耀成绩,你何尝不是那样。你不知道为什么上chem时我总会换位下的原因吧,那是因为我不想听你的hao lian鸟话。其他各种我就不提了,从我口中说出来虽然是实话但不觉得是在黑人吗?一个人自己的缺点是靠自己跟别人去发现的(关于这个我差不多每晚睡觉时都会想我自己的烂缺点坑爹的也是我失眠的原因但现在累到不会失眠啦 哈哈哈)。就算别人发现了你的缺点,告诉你大概你会觉得根本就是那个人的问题吧。

记得她曾经发过信息,问我是不是不喜欢她。在此我想向她说声抱歉,对不起我说谎了。其实我看到那信息时,我第一个打的答案是“是有点”。然而我觉得做人不需这么过分,虽然她的糟糕性格我真得很dulan,但真正来说她对朋友也不错(矛盾?oRZ)。所以我才回了“才没有,不要想太多。” 在那一刻,我回了这封信息,那封信息也就代表着我必须改自己好好跟她相处。但事情演变成这种地步,意思也就是我并不能改变自己。

真正的让我觉得这家伙根本就是个他妈的王八蛋的原因是她发给sh的话。我懂sh在facebook上说了什么“不相信我就不要问我”也算是她的错在先。不过看了她的鸟话我觉得她根本就是不爽我们很久现在借此机会来个大翻脸。因为她inbox了sh(为何我会知道?因为sh征求我的意见),sh根本就是低声下气跟她道歉了(哦老天如果是我我可办不到啊办不到╮(╯▽╰)╭),她还是说那么多话。说什么“ 我不喜欢有人在没向我提出原因前就在公共的地方指责我”。姐姐,你没那么做吗?你随后也发了个status在说我们吧?难道我们的fb是公开的你的是非公开的??我这个坏人就叫sh不要理她不要回复她了sh还是问我要如何回复她。所以我就大概写了个回复给sh,怎知被改得又是低声下气的了(跟原先我写的语气真是差天差地)。然后气人的来了,她的回复超级他妈。看样子压根儿没想过要原谅sh。那就算了,我就说不要理她我们自己没了她过得也会很开心。(我是超级大坏蛋哈哈)之后真的翻脸了。

啊,说真的对于翻脸我觉得很好我真的还蛮开心的。那么我就不用再忍她了天杀的你可不知道那日子有多难熬。可是灾难渐渐开始。 =.=||| 她,到处黑我们。为什么我说是黑?因为我知道她的为人。她一讨厌人她所说出来的可没半句是好的。 也不知是我多想还是什么,我似乎发现了别人的异样眼光。 =A= 嘛,这是我预料到的,别人选择相信她我也不能怎样。这方面还是得佩服她,她人前人后两个样真的很够力。多多学习,出社会也会比较吃香。某次还听到从她口中冒出”他们真的很过分”。姐姐,你比我们更过分的我不想再提了。至于我们一直以来四千金形象太令人深刻了,一有人分道扬镳别人怎不过问。对于这点我问心无愧对着十字架说,别人问我我都不多说。因为我觉得翻了脸,没必要再搞事非。自己过自己的,不理对方就好。她貌似跟很多人说了,别人都可怜她问我们怎么可以这样对她(嘛,我没被问到啦谢天谢地我认识的人不多)。看样子她真的把她自己说得很委屈。算了,that's her style ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 我一直忍。虽然嘴巴说不在意他人的眼光,但偏偏我就是那他娘的连路人甲的眼光都在意的要死的废人。可我还是忍,因为我觉得要出社会了,以后可能还会遇到这样的人(我擦短短十九年可是第一次遇到这样的人能的话不要再来第二次了),要学习如何退一步海阔天空。但是今天听到她请了Mr. Teh教MT2,貌似暗地里策划不让我们知道,而且还牵涉与这事毫无关系的人。我知道我的忍耐已到了极限。(望上这段好长啊去下一段好了)

我真的很想拿只抢,塞进她嘴里然后开到子弹完(O.O!! potential murderer!?)。妈的你怎样黑人没关系,还搞三搞四。我真的无语了………… 我想说,你好肤浅好幼稚。事情变成这样难道是我们的错而已?从来没想过是你自己糟糕的性格惹的祸?哦对,你说了,是朋友就懂你是这样的性格。真对不起,我老妈生我下来可不是要我当个受气包,看来这段友谊我与你是无缘搭上了。生气到了极点时而冷静下来,想开了。我决定把你踢出我的人生电影里,这广告真是他娘的太烂了。从今以后你要怎样随你,你自个儿过你的阳光大道边派传单黑我,我依然会开心的过我的独木桥。不会再让你影响我的情绪,因为这世界多的是真正需要我放心思的人而那个人绝不会是你。

宁愿被人恨,也不愿被人怜。其实我也是很幸福的了。我身边有对我最真诚对我好的不得了的朋友们(相比之下对不起感觉上我总是亏待你们 Orz)。我还奢求什么呢?没必要为了不再是我朋友所说的话而生气,更没必要为了根本就不存在的事情而动怒。她黑的人只是挂上我的名字。我真正是不是那样的人,我知道我真正的朋友也会知道。这就足够了不是吗?至于原谅,我懂你压根儿没想要我们原谅你。放心,我没想过要原谅你。你对我朋友造成的伤害,你让他们伤心难过我都看在眼里这让我恨不得把你碎尸万段。我知道写这些的我跟你一样,幼稚肤浅。但这将会是最后一次,我要停止这广告,继续我的电影。

The end.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I don't care.

I don't care and wouldn't mind if you stab me behind. Cause for those who really good with me will know what kind a person i am and those who choose to believe you i can do nothing also. I don't need good reputation among the people, i don't care how many friends i have. Well, about friend i can say it's doesn't matter about the quantity is about the quality. xP A true friend will fully understand what kind of person i am. 

That's it. I kinda pity you cause you dunno your mistake and you will keep on repeating the same mistake till got people really really get annoyed by you. Good luck bitch. ^^

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Hare and the Tortoise

I feel so depressed when today i dunno how to do MT1 during the exam. Then i get back my physics paper 2, yeah well as usual result again. That seriously made me feel worst. I know my maths is not good, but i do really take it seriously. I studied mt only last night, that cause me didn't study PA at all and of cause today also can't do well in PA paper. But then when comes to exam, it seems like nothing is in my head. So with physics, i asked seniors to help us, i spend my time my energy too for physics but i still get bad result at last. I thought i understand all those things that they taught, or just actually i didn't get it but i dunno? 

Perhaps this is because of my own attitude. Just like the hare in the story of "The Hare and the Tortoise". I'm too ego. Just because i think that i can do it then i stop and take a rest while the they're still moving to the destination. At last, this is what i am, A LOSER. 

Now and then i should try to change myself before stpm. Feel so hopeless and don't want sit for stpm already. Just can't take the failure again :(

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bye Harry~

Just back from watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 with rebecca~ this movie is cool and awesome and you'll never regret to spend RM9 for it! haha

Before we watch part 2, we went to Pizza Hut for our lunch and watch part 1. Cause i haven't watch part one yet. But then dunno why the hell my laptop low batt, then it shut down directly. Zzz =.=||| I thought i charge fully already. Then we watched part 2 without part 1 first. Luckily i had read some of it last time~ haha

When i went there i saw siew jing, sze nin and the other 2 ppl. And you know what?? We booked the same row of the seats! 這就是所謂的猿糞!hahaha ><

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2

So that's the end of it.. 10 years. This series of movie has been with us for 10 years! I'm kinda sad with its end but at least it has a good ending.. (but i really don't like Ginny!!) By the way, Hermoine and Ron are so sweet haha XD

Let's us recall back all the series of harry potter (hey are you too free lol) XD

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone
So this is where the journey begins~ 

Cute Harry >////< 

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
I like this chapter the most where Harry met Sirius Black. haha

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix 
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince 

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1

So that's it. Bye Harry~ TT^TT 
Time flies and no more another 10 years~ 

The end. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The coming STPM

Not fast not slow, STPM is coming. 

Now is still July, perhaps some of you will think it is still far away from November. Actually i tell you here, time is totally NOT ENOUGH for those who didn't do their preparation well. As for me, i think i really have to start to follow my own timetable, which is no online only study study study. Since i'm here, obviously i failed to do so. T^T I really can't sit down, take a book out and study study study. Seriously I CANNOT! I know not more time for me to slacking around but i just... haiz.... :( 

Now i'm thinking, what if i really failed my stpm.. No ways i would retake it anymore, but i still need to continue my studies. I know how useless i can be with only one spm result which is still not the best as compared to other ppl. If i failed my stpm, i need to take foundation or study diploma. Everything has to start all over again. And taking foundation or diploma is not free like form 6. At last, i might end up like a..... junk, rubbish.. 

How? Need someone to force me? I have no idea........... 

125 days to go. 

-STPM and MUET 2011-

The end. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

1 Malaysia Netbook

I got it! haha the 1 Malaysia netbook. XD

So this is how it looks like.. and ar... What's this brand huh?? Never see before la.. so lousy  Still got 1 Malaysia logo on it What the hell i'm gonna stick something on it hahaha

Ok stop complaining as Malaysia is the best country and only give the good things for us. hahahaha (I bet u know what i really mean xD)   LOL 

Actually not bad la.. still got webcam ba.. It's better than my expectation? Just inside is so empty need to put something in lor.. hmm put SOMETHING in. *evil grin* HAHAHA 

Besides, still got free one sim card for broadband service. Just need to reload RM25 every month. But i wonder what speed i can have for RM25.. =.= (cause now i'm using RM70 one yet so lag Orz|||) But it's ok, cause government will sponsor for the first month! That's mean free access! If the link is really lag, i'll just throw the card away, throw into longkang. 

Now i should say this to my lappy:"You're not alone! XD" hahahaha lame edit lol just ignore me la haha

The end. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Back to kuching!

So i went back to kuching on 28th May. I have waited that day for a long time, but one week is just flies so fast and now i'm back. I wanna shout: 


Well, what can do~ The second week is full of activities. TAT Alright stop saying this shitty thing let me share some fun moments when i was at kuching. Actually i would like to share it day by day but i don't have much photos and i don't have good memory.. haha so caution! This gonna be a long long post!  (I guess)XD

my pretty besties! 

We went to 木木小屋 at the first place but there don't have the pearl milk tea that we want. So we just leave there and go to Kado. The burger is so big and nice and CHEAP. haha 

hmm this photo i think it's on second day. We went to swinburne library to study. Yeah it's study! But after a few minutes, yun said wanna go to sing k. LOL.. But then so many troubles happened so lastly we didn't make it. 
PS: ying remember your mistake?? hahahahaha

Hmmm... i didn't take any photos when sing k. But that definitely is one of the fun moments! Ying them sang so loud and we played till so crazy! That was really fun and i believe this kind of fun won't be the same with others. You know, only some ppl that can really crazy around with you and they're your irreplaceable true friends ❤

and i also went out with shirley, amelyn and rebecca too! They didn't change a lot, well no one change so much till i can't recognize~ Having so much fun with them in Kbox. Unfortunately i can't spend so much time with them.. Can't have movie together but it's ok we'll have it next time! =w=

I also went to McD with Gloria and her sis Kimberly. Thanks Glo treat me McD and gave me the coke can cup! I finally get it! haha We queue up for around one hour to get this. LOL  Kim's voice is really nice eh when i heard it. The kind of voice that i like hahaha >////< 

Steamboat at ying's house for her uncle who came back from New Zealand. Her uncle speaks english one and i'm kinda scare to talk with him cause my english really lousy. Orz||| and i ate abalone! hahahaha LOL when we're having our steamboat then shan called us to go to her house to eat BBQ foods! That night really full chin chin er. First round steamboat then second round BBQ. haha

They're so bad squeeze me like that haha xD
Shan's family were celebrating the little bro's birthday. I love that taiwan sausage very much~! I keep on putting the sausage into my mouth. Not to forget the nice ice cream cake! yum yum ><

After we eat till full full, we chat and then started play with the nail colours. Shan helps ying colour till very nice ar. haha wanna know go see her album i don't have the photos. haha~ That was a fun night also. Girl's night ❤ 

At here i would like to thank you all for let me enjoy the best in kuching. Without you guys, there won't have so much fun. Ying's uncle said, usually secondary school's friends can stay longer than university's friends. Yes i couldn't agree more. I hope after years we still hang out together! You guys are like no other, so special and not so annoying like others. haha you know, i'm kinda not really good with all other ppl. haha~~  I miss you all! One week is soooooooooooo short! Next time i'll go back for months stay till i sien hahahaha

Bye~ Lastly 来场散场的拥抱with shan and ying. Yun don't want hug with me cause she said i'm disgusting. =.=||| 

Take care my dear friends! 

This story never ends.  It'll continue after i back to kuching again! >w<

More photos from: 
2. shan's facebook (this one got mix with others haha but mostly is me! hahahaha)

Thursday, May 26, 2011


With the last line that i drew, EXAM IS TOTALLY OVER! hahaha.. This coming holiday i'm going back to kuching! Yes! I've waited this day for so long and it's finally come~! That excitement can't use any words to describe it~~~ Wooooots!!! ><

I've lots of planssss!! We're gonna boom boom shake shake >< hahaha 

Monday, May 16, 2011

It's time to cash out! 

So I've joined a community call as Says. It's place for you to share and get the rewards!  All you need to do is share the ads. Each link earns you 20 sens. Very easy, isn't? =P

After you reach RM50, you can choose to cash out! Then you just have to wait around 60days to get you rewards. So as you can see, i reach the minimum requirement already, so i try to take RM55 out~ haha Haven't get it just have to wait~

Hehe.. So are you interested? If you're, don't hesitate to join me join all the youth by clicking and register! No harm if you wanna quit after join is ok also~ haha

The end. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wedding ❤

Just back from one of my relative's wedding dinner. Wow only one word in my mind to describe it----"AWESOME"! 

Rich ppl memang different de lor. The venue of the dinner is at Kingwood Hotel, where is kinda high class. So i've decided to wear my dinner dress, as it's a formal dinner, but it just can't fit me! I mean i dunno is that elastic band of the chest part of the dress is loose or my boobs become smaller. Hell yes gotta buy a new dress. =.= Alright skip this let's talk about that wedding.

Actually this is my very first time go in Kingwood. haha xP

The interior of Kingwood:

Here's the entrance of  the ballroom 
Once i'm out of the lift
This reception counter has a big banner on the table and let every guest sign on it! 
aww i really like this kind of entrance(lol i forgot how to call that liao). 
the flower petals on the floor~ bla bla i guess that's so call romantic right? haha~ The ballroom's decoration is so elegant with white roses. 

I like white rose the most! Their family are all rich one. So they've invited around 200 tables of guests.   Well, it's cool but it made the service speed become so SLOW. We have to wait for a long time to wait for our dishes. Oh that's the only bad thing in this dinner. haha since so rich why don't hire more waiter LOL

Before the dinner starts, there is some slideshow about the wedding photos. They took photos in so many different attire! The white gown, dinner dress, some British's style dress, even Korean traditional clothes! The place they took the photo i think is at kuching. Cause there're many photos taken at the beach~ And when we're having our dinner, they also play some photos when they're studied at Australia. Not only at Australia, they seems went to many places before, even Egypt! awwww RICH PPL =.=

I think you all sure dunno what is this. When the mc said:"now let us applause and welcome our bride", the bride was sitting in there and pushed till in front! How awesome that is! After the bride and bridegroom in the hall, then the dinner has started. (FINALLY). Firstly got a priest pray in front, then got choir sings too. Wow.. Rich ppl err.. 

my sis and my cousin xD

i like this too! ><

zOOoooom in xP

Now for the food:

well the foods i have compiled it into an animated gif. If you're interested then just watch it but if you're not just skip it. Not everyone want to see the photos of food right? haha seee how considerable i am XD 
Wanna add in, don't play play err that shark fin soup has so many shark fin inside ar.. rich ppl memang geng hahaha

aduh rich chin ar use this to wrap those sweets. 
and also gave these lol
I guess that's the end of the awesomeness. haha You know what, i want my wedding greater, cooler, more awesome and fascinating than this! ❤
That couple is started their love when they were in secondary school, then they went to Australia and studied together. Wow I was kinda shocked when i heard that. Their relationship really lasts for a long time. How many ppl in this world can really go together for years? Not much right? 

Some says, "Marriage is the grave of the love." 
Do you really think so? But i think marriage should be the starting of love with responsibilities. Just bla bla need many things to be considered. It's totally different with when you're in relationship. So if you don't have the consciousness, better don't dig the grave by yourself. haha 

Love by not only words but actions. 

The end. 

Monday, May 2, 2011


Fuck exam.
Fuck school.
Fuck xxx and yyy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Today is Labour's day~ So there are sales everywhere! It's a great timing for shopping and sapu things XD

My bro said wanna buy a sport shoes, so we went to Lea Center where has 1/2 price sales! Lastly he had choose a pair of shoes that he likes, then i also found something i like! A bag! I bought myself a bag~ awww i like that bag very much. It's so big, and i like that kind of bag cause i can just throw all my stuff in the bag. XD I always want to find a bag like this and finally let me found it! Oh thanks God haha and thanks to my mum too!

low quality of photo made this bag not attractive =.=|||
 It's some sort like sport bag la.. I like it like it like it! >.< Thanks mum! 

By the way, when we went to Wisma San Yan, we saw so many people there. I think is some tv programme on-going at there. Lakia show... so not interested. But hell they block my way! All of them are on the entrance there. =.=# Feel like wanna throw a bomb burst them all. haha joking i'm not a violent person. =P

 my bro and i XD

Then I wanna buy some stationary and we moved from san yan to Delta Mall. At Popular I saw the books I like! 盗墓笔记!!hmm i think the english for this book is "The Grave Robbers' Chronicle". Wow it's same like the picture i searched through the internet! I was so excited that time, and now still, and i feel like wanna buy it la. But my mum sure don't want buy books for me. I have to work myself to get the things i want. Well, stpm is coming soon. Even if i want to work and school approved it, but time don't let me to do so. haizzz gotta wait till year end then work for it~ 

Whole set!! ahhhhh ><

I like the cover very much! So with the content. aww i really wish i can buy it. haha
PS: still wanna say i'm really so immoral cause taking photo in bookstore. =.=

That's all. 

Friday, April 29, 2011


I get my own FLELE last year given by yeow ya~ Now the addiction starts again!

For your information, FLELE is a kind of music player. Japanese music player~ Well, what make it so special is it's a music player skinned as a moving avatar. It lets you play Mp3 songs with chibi character~ When you play the song, it will starts to move and sing~

The original version is Miku version~

and this one LOL

So cute isn't it?? Just have to drag the songs you like to this player and some of its body parts have function. I figure out double click on its hair pin is to play/pause the song, legs is to delete all the songs, and sometimes when you click the head it will show a cute smile face! haha but not everything is perfect. This one too. Majority will face the problem of cannot play the songs. It only can play Mp3 songs (but i think mostly ppl are using Mp3 format right?), and if your song's name have weird character the song wouldn't be played. Well, it's not the big deal for me~ haha

So now I've found that actually the shell can be changed! It can change to other characters besides miku! 

FLELE Shells

Too many i dunno which to download~ all look so damn cute!! >////< Gotta go find others~ I'll download the cutest one hahaha =w=

So if you're interested you can download it at:



要说说我最喜欢的小说《盗墓笔记》。这算是一个推理灵异小说~ 故事是说到一群人盗墓时发生的事。嘛… 我的感想是………… 很好看!大拇指一个 哈哈~ 看着盗墓笔记就让我想起我想当考古学家的志愿(以前真的曾有)… 但是我太胆小了尸体什么的真是怕死人了 =.= 看了盗墓后更怕,什么粽子(盗墓者的暗语,意思是墓里的尸体保存的比较完好,没有腐烂的古尸),血尸啦一大堆的对我来说真的很恐怖!话说盗墓里常常看到粽子都还蛮恶心的,看得我吃粽子的时候就想到那些尸体好恶心~ 端午节不吃了(才怪) 哈哈哈…
让我真的佩服的是古人的智慧。他们在设计古墓中所用的陷阱,风水什么的真的很神!古墓探险很刺激啊~~~~ 哈哈 介绍你们去看吧!很好看的!我还在书店看到盗墓笔记!啊啊啊 好想买啊!我生日时一人送一本吧 哈哈哈

盗墓笔记!书店里的不是这样的~ 我想这才是原版的吧~

最新的从盗墓作者三叔的微博看到的~是英文版的哦!在美国发售 =3=
然后呢,人物方面啊… 男主角的名叫吴邪。粉丝们都叫他天真,囧,天真无邪嘛 哈哈… 另外各种各样角色还有一个就是闷油瓶~~~!我最喜欢的~ 酷酷的… 真正的名字是张起灵,吴邪看他闷闷的又不多话所以叫他闷油瓶咯… 盗墓笔记我听说是有漫画版的,可是我找不到… 嘛 这还是不要看漫画的了… 好恐怖啊 看了真的不会睡了 囧

PS: 想要在线看《盗墓笔记》的请去
如果不喜欢在线看就跟我拿,我有~~ 哈哈 (在电脑里不是书 T.T)
