I get my own FLELE last year given by yeow ya~ Now the addiction starts again!
For your information, FLELE is a kind of music player. Japanese music player~ Well, what make it so special is it's a music player skinned as a moving avatar. It lets you play Mp3 songs with chibi character~ When you play the song, it will starts to move and sing~
The original version is Miku version~
The original version is Miku version~
Miku-sitting |
Miku-small |
Miku |
and this one LOL
So cute isn't it?? Just have to drag the songs you like to this player and some of its body parts have function. I figure out double click on its hair pin is to play/pause the song, legs is to delete all the songs, and sometimes when you click the head it will show a cute smile face! haha but not everything is perfect. This one too. Majority will face the problem of cannot play the songs. It only can play Mp3 songs (but i think mostly ppl are using Mp3 format right?), and if your song's name have weird character the song wouldn't be played. Well, it's not the big deal for me~ haha
So now I've found that actually the shell can be changed! It can change to other characters besides miku!
FLELE Shells |
Too many i dunno which to download~ all look so damn cute!! >////< Gotta go find others~ I'll download the cutest one hahaha =w=
So if you're interested you can download it at:
http://navy.nm.land.to/ukgk/flele/ (It's in Japanese)
要说说我最喜欢的小说《盗墓笔记》。这算是一个推理灵异小说~ 故事是说到一群人盗墓时发生的事。嘛… 我的感想是………… 很好看!大拇指一个 哈哈~ 看着盗墓笔记就让我想起我想当考古学家的志愿(以前真的曾有)… 但是我太胆小了尸体什么的真是怕死人了 =.= 看了盗墓后更怕,什么粽子(盗墓者的暗语,意思是墓里的尸体保存的比较完好,没有腐烂的古尸),血尸啦一大堆的对我来说真的很恐怖!话说盗墓里常常看到粽子都还蛮恶心的,看得我吃粽子的时候就想到那些尸体好恶心~ 端午节不吃了(才怪) 哈哈哈…
让我真的佩服的是古人的智慧。他们在设计古墓中所用的陷阱,风水什么的真的很神!古墓探险很刺激啊~~~~ 哈哈 介绍你们去看吧!很好看的!我还在书店看到盗墓笔记!啊啊啊 好想买啊!我生日时一人送一本吧 哈哈哈
然后呢,人物方面啊… 男主角的名叫吴邪。粉丝们都叫他天真,囧,天真无邪嘛 哈哈… 另外各种各样角色还有一个就是闷油瓶~~~!我最喜欢的~ 酷酷的… 真正的名字是张起灵,吴邪看他闷闷的又不多话所以叫他闷油瓶咯… 盗墓笔记我听说是有漫画版的,可是我找不到… 嘛 这还是不要看漫画的了… 好恐怖啊 看了真的不会睡了 囧
盗墓笔记!书店里的不是这样的~ 我想这才是原版的吧~ |
最新的从盗墓作者三叔的微博看到的~是英文版的哦!在美国发售 =3= |
闷油瓶~ |