
Friday, April 29, 2011


I get my own FLELE last year given by yeow ya~ Now the addiction starts again!

For your information, FLELE is a kind of music player. Japanese music player~ Well, what make it so special is it's a music player skinned as a moving avatar. It lets you play Mp3 songs with chibi character~ When you play the song, it will starts to move and sing~

The original version is Miku version~

and this one LOL

So cute isn't it?? Just have to drag the songs you like to this player and some of its body parts have function. I figure out double click on its hair pin is to play/pause the song, legs is to delete all the songs, and sometimes when you click the head it will show a cute smile face! haha but not everything is perfect. This one too. Majority will face the problem of cannot play the songs. It only can play Mp3 songs (but i think mostly ppl are using Mp3 format right?), and if your song's name have weird character the song wouldn't be played. Well, it's not the big deal for me~ haha

So now I've found that actually the shell can be changed! It can change to other characters besides miku! 

FLELE Shells

Too many i dunno which to download~ all look so damn cute!! >////< Gotta go find others~ I'll download the cutest one hahaha =w=

So if you're interested you can download it at:



要说说我最喜欢的小说《盗墓笔记》。这算是一个推理灵异小说~ 故事是说到一群人盗墓时发生的事。嘛… 我的感想是………… 很好看!大拇指一个 哈哈~ 看着盗墓笔记就让我想起我想当考古学家的志愿(以前真的曾有)… 但是我太胆小了尸体什么的真是怕死人了 =.= 看了盗墓后更怕,什么粽子(盗墓者的暗语,意思是墓里的尸体保存的比较完好,没有腐烂的古尸),血尸啦一大堆的对我来说真的很恐怖!话说盗墓里常常看到粽子都还蛮恶心的,看得我吃粽子的时候就想到那些尸体好恶心~ 端午节不吃了(才怪) 哈哈哈…
让我真的佩服的是古人的智慧。他们在设计古墓中所用的陷阱,风水什么的真的很神!古墓探险很刺激啊~~~~ 哈哈 介绍你们去看吧!很好看的!我还在书店看到盗墓笔记!啊啊啊 好想买啊!我生日时一人送一本吧 哈哈哈

盗墓笔记!书店里的不是这样的~ 我想这才是原版的吧~

最新的从盗墓作者三叔的微博看到的~是英文版的哦!在美国发售 =3=
然后呢,人物方面啊… 男主角的名叫吴邪。粉丝们都叫他天真,囧,天真无邪嘛 哈哈… 另外各种各样角色还有一个就是闷油瓶~~~!我最喜欢的~ 酷酷的… 真正的名字是张起灵,吴邪看他闷闷的又不多话所以叫他闷油瓶咯… 盗墓笔记我听说是有漫画版的,可是我找不到… 嘛 这还是不要看漫画的了… 好恐怖啊 看了真的不会睡了 囧

PS: 想要在线看《盗墓笔记》的请去
如果不喜欢在线看就跟我拿,我有~~ 哈哈 (在电脑里不是书 T.T)


Sunday, April 17, 2011


Maybe some of you wondering what's MUET (for those who didn't study form six might dunno). Well.. MUET stand for Malaysia English University Test. It consists of 4 tests. Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. The result is 6 bands which Band 6 is the highest band. 

So yesterday went to SMK Bandar Sibu to have the paper tests which are Listening, Reading and Writing. Well, i only can say, language subject is hard to know you're getting it right or not. But this time, i confirm i will get Band 3. My speaking test was the worst ever. 2 minutes for me but i still left 1 min. I dunno what the hell should say about the authorities to curb the violence against women. I guess my speaking marks won't get over 20 out of 45. I also weak in Listening. I can't really catch the points plus the marking scheme for listening is so strict and I always have grammatical mistakes. =.= Reading just like that. haha and as for writing i thought the question 2 will be current issue but surprisingly it's not! The question is "The most valuable thing in our life is friendship" do you agree? Of cause i agreed la~~ Because i always think that friends are the most important ppl in my life~
The test papers
Question 2

Gonna retake it again on year end. Overall spend for MUET is RM120 because i take the exam twice. MONEY TTATT 

That's all from me. 
The end.

PS: Actually i wanna get Band 5 >//////<


haha just wanna add in one more! xD

Today i get this from Elvin. This is the present that Sze Joo gave me~~ woots! Thank you~~~~ >3<

I like that quote very much. Yeah sometime we always want things to be easier but don't ever you think why other ppl can do it but you can't? So we just need to be better then~ (although is hard =.=)

"Never ask for things to be easier, always ask yourself to be better." 

Friday, April 15, 2011


Not really in a good mood when i'm alone. I'll start to think many things negatively. 

School always is the place i hate the most, till now still the same, but sometimes it's nice when hanging around with friends. It's much better than alone at home. Well if no weekly quizzes, exams, pressure bla bla school would be the best place after all.

Seriously i obeyed the rules set by my mom that "only online when weekends". So you won't see me around when weekdays. I mean on Facebook or other site. No online so i just use the time to do my homework. Finally my homework is updated to what teacher want. It's a good start and i hope can continue it until STPM. I found that there's no more reason for me to online. Facebook basically is for me to keep in touch with my Kuching's friends but i just found that maybe it's not necessary to stay in touch. Anime can't watch read manga also lag~ There's nothing much for me to do when online. Although when can't online i still feel like wanna on it, but now when i really can online i don't have any special feeling about it.  

Quite emo when i'm alone when i'm lonely. But no one stay happy 24-7 right~ haha MUET exam tomorrow. All the best!

From now on, I won't keep update my blog since i don't really have things to share. Well, no one cares right.

That's it. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011



1 Liter of Tears



15岁啊……就是青春的开始,乱蹦乱跳的时期吧~ 可是因为这个病,喜欢的东西都要一一放弃… 当我看到女主角问:“病魔为什么选上我……?” 我真的要哭了(哈哈 太投入戏了~) 这女孩后来一直很坚强的活下去。就算自己走路不方便,被人用着怪异的眼光对待,带麻烦给身边所有的人,她还是努力的过每一天…… 


看完了这部戏,感触很深。若是时间不多了,最想做的事是什么?这些事我还真的没有想过… 带给家人朋友麻烦是多么不好的感觉(嘛 由于我也常麻烦朋友所以这种烂感觉多少我还是能体会的 哈哈)。各种各样的真是催泪啊~~~ 就觉得身边的事太变化无常了,身边的人自己不知何时就会这样消失不见。珍惜他们吧~ 那就是我现在能做的事!

もう あの日に帰りたいなんて言いません 
然后再想想,我一直想回到过去,中六的生活真是太难熬了,成绩又烂… 这里一切的一切就是这样让人觉得很烦………… 但是比起别人,我的烦恼根本就没什么的吧?健康的身体我有,我又不是弱智的… 成绩烂拼命读就可以了啊… 就算回到过去又能怎样?最后还不是又回到这里回到中六回到难熬的18岁… 
花ならつぼみの私の人生 ,この青春の始まりを悔いのないように大切にしたい 
所以我要珍惜我唯一一次的18岁!不想以后在做无谓的后悔。“后悔”这东西真的让人很恼… 是让人知道已经走错了做错了当无法倒回了也无法作出任何改变。 所以我不想再做会让自己后悔的事… 选择中六说到底还是我自己答应的。口头上虽说是父母逼的,但我还是知道若是要拒绝的话也是可以的……
中六生活一转眼也会完的… 考好成绩,进好大学,才是我当下应该做的事情!加油!
跌倒又有什么关系 还可以再站起来 跌倒后可以顺便仰望一下天空 蓝蓝的天啊 今天也在无限延伸朝着我微笑

嘛…我现在做的决定是不用一公升的眼泪啦~ 哈哈 最后的最后还是要说这部日剧真的很不错!呵呵~ 有兴趣的去看看吧!很想叫那些没脑的死小孩看(虽然我觉得他们看了也不懂)。最近的人整天只会爱爱爱的真是笨死了!爱别人之前,请先爱你的家人朋友还有最重要的就是要爱自己。男女之间的爱能多长久?现在说很爱很爱但时间久了那很爱很爱的对象又不是同一个人了 =.= 都不知在搞什么飞机!家人朋友不是更重要吗?他们才是一直陪在你身边的人啊~ 是在你人生中永远都不会变换的角色啊!再说,比起爱情,这世上还有很多更重要的事情呢!15岁以下的那样我倒觉得还好,毕竟是思春期。都18岁以上了还那样倒不如去死好?!到底在想什么啊,看偶像剧听情歌太多了吧 ╮(╯▽╰)╭  你以为你是偶像剧的主角啊?白马王子白雪公主在等你?好好认真想想吧…… (感觉上我已经离题了 哈哈

Sunday, April 3, 2011

5 Centimeter Per Second + Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

The speed at which sakura petals fall... 5 centimeter per second. 

A very nice ova(original video animation). The background is nice the ost is nice the story line also nice! In this movie, there're three parts. If you wish to know the plot, have a look at here

Actually i really recommend you guys to watch this cause this story really is reflecting our life. People often start together but then slowly drifted away into separate ways. We will never know when the ppl around us will be moved away from us. Appreciation is very important. Maybe you will wish for one more time or one more chance, but would you ever get it again?

How much more do I have to lose, before my heart is forgiven?
How many more pains do I have to suffer, to meet you once again?
One more time, oh seasons, fade not
One more time, when we were messing around

don't usually like love story anime but this one really wrenches my heart. Everyone can relate to this, as some of us are missing someone who isn't there anymore. Well, i guess everyone do miss about the past right? But just let the prettiest precious memories in the past~ 

5 centimeter per second

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
Well~ If you're interested, watch it at

One more time, One more chance. The lyrics really so nice~ have a look at

So that's all for 5 centimeter per second. And now my favourite and waiting for so long one~~ Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 世界第一初恋~❤

It's a BL anime, at here i would like to tell you in case you dunno, BL stands for Boy's Love. haha

Awww i'm so obsessed with Takano~~ >//////////<

If library got such a handsome boy reading i will start to scream ar hahahahaha >////< 

Actually this is the type of boy i like! >////////<

hahaha Onodera is very cute also~~ awww (the brown coloured hair one)

wuahahaha After watch the OVA now i'm looking forward for the first episode which is will be released on April (dunno which date) ahhhhhh *continue screaming* hahahaha >.<

The end. LOL

My Pig Dog Friend Ah Ying~~

Just went back from eating nice dinner at Golden Happiness with ah ying and her family. I'm so happy that she came here and we have a chance to meet up.

At here, i wanna say thank you to many ppl. 

Firstly, I wanna say thank you to Siew Jing~ Thanks for fetch me to Golden Happiness~ >/////< I'm so touched and glad to know a friend like you! 

Then, thanks to ah ying's parents because treat me with a great meal! I was so full that time. Eat so many ho liao hahaha ><

Lastly, thanks to ah yun and ah ying for giving me such a wonderful present! A blue cute mouse~! I always wanna change my lousy spoil mouse~ awww finally i can use a good mouse and enjoy my lovely online time~ haha~~ the mouse is function so smoothly! Also thanks to ah yun's cookies. Your cookies are really tasty! 

The kawaii mouse >///<
Ah yun's homemade cookies! *thumbs up*
Some funny things happened when i was with ying. haha the most funny one is, when we went out from that restaurant, dunno who vomit there, and then that ying jumped over it and her phone fell down on the a pool of water. We were not sure that liquid is water or puke(what ppl vomited out), that ying is just keep on smelling her phone and force me to smell also! LOL! After a long time her this attitude still haven't change really so funny la! Every time when any smelly things sure force us to smell it lol XD

After had a meal, we went back to hotel. In the hotel waiting for my mom to fetch me~

ah ying's sexy leg hahaha

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the prettiest one? =P

Then around 11pm like that, my mom came to fetch me. I thought she know where's Lee Hua hotel but she told me she dunno. Then i asked her wait me at the Catholic High there. I went out alone, in the night, to there. Seriously, I'm a road blind. I don't recognize the road at all. I walked back to the Golden Happiness. Oh gosh.. Dunno why the road is so quiet and no ppl at all. I felt so scary that time. Then i went out from there, back to the main road. I saw Wisma San Yan. I thought if i keep on staring san yan and move forward i might can reach san yan. So i called my mom again, and she told me she's at Catholic High already, which is down the bridge located at there. Then i saw the bridge. Orz................... It's a left hand side when i walked out from hotel, and i was so stupid cross the road and went to right hand side. =.=# I'm an idiot. LOL

Luckily still can reached home safely. hahaha XD Wish tomorrow can go hang out with ying~ haha 

I'm using it~~

The end. I love you all my dear friends~❤